MiBAP Spring 2024 Newsletter
June 7, 2024
August 2024 Webinar: ABA Service Delivery Quality: A Novel Application of a Quality Framework
July 9, 2024
MiBAP Spring 2024 Newsletter
June 7, 2024
August 2024 Webinar: ABA Service Delivery Quality: A Novel Application of a Quality Framework
July 9, 2024
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MiBAP Spring 2024 Newsletter

MiBAP Spring 2024 Newsletter

From the President


Thank you for all of the member engagement over the last few months. We had a successful advocacy day back in March! Our group was able to meet with over thirty legislators, and we will continue to work with them on our advocacy efforts. We are working with MDHHS on our priorities, and we have had several workgroups started by members to continue to support each other in different areas. Our monthly webinars have been wonderful, and we hope you are able to participate in the coming months.


Thank you for your continued support and dedication!


Margaret Moore
MiBAP President

Access and Advocacy Committee Updates

The next joint Access and Advocacy call will be in June. Please email Kristin Weir or Jeff Brown if you would like to participate. This has been an exciting quarter as our MIBAP advocacy efforts are yielding results. First, the provider rate increase is included in both the Senate and House Budgets. The need for a provider rate increase will be a discussion point as the 2025 budget negotiations continue. We are optimistic for success as the support of the bi-partisan Autism Caucus is active and strong. Secondly, our position on CMH inconsistencies has shown relevance with demonstrated success. Meetings with Legislators will continue until the 2025 budget negotiations are complete.

Education Committee Update

The Education Committee has been planning webinars for the remainder of 2024. The next webinar is scheduled for June 26th. You can learn more and register below. If you are interested in joining this committee or have webinar topic ideas, please email membership@mibap.org.

Quality Committee Update

No update.

Membership Committee Update

Don’t forget about the members-only section of the website! You can view resources, past webinars, announcements, etc.! The login is in the upper right hand corner of the website. The password is MIBAP2024!

We have a new individual affiliate membership type! Tell a friend and help promote access through advocacy, education, and quality practices! Read more here.

We welcome our new members: Merakey and Euro-Therapies!!!


Reminder: MIBAP All-Member Meetings


Legislative Log

Please click here to read the legislative log.