March 2025: The Foundational Five: A Multifaceted Approach to Monitoring Group and Individual Staff Performance
January 13, 2025
March 2025: The Foundational Five: A Multifaceted Approach to Monitoring Group and Individual Staff Performance
January 13, 2025
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MiBAP Winter 2025 Newsletter

MiBAP Winter 2025 Newsletter

From the President

Happy New Year to all of our members! This quarterly newsletter provides updates on current activities for the association. I am honored to be serving as your President for another year.

MiBAP’s priorities for 2025 include offering professional development opportunities and other resources to members, and, through these efforts, continuing to advocate for the best interests of Michiganders with autism and their families.

Congratulations to our elected 2025 Board Officers!

Kristin Wier of Logan Community Resources will serve as the Vice President and Secretary.

Rachael Swanson of ABA Pathways will serve as MiBAP’s Treasurer.
You can view the full board here.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication!


Margaret Moore
MiBAP President


Access and Advocacy Committee Updates

It is an understatement to describe 2024 as busy, tumultuous and yet highly productive. It was all that and more. Thanks to the invaluable support from Kelly Cawthorne, the MIBAP in-person Advocacy Day was a huge success. Building from that event, we focused our advocacy efforts to secure a 97153 Medicaid rate increase. Numerous meetings with Legislators, Appropriations leadership, MDHHS staff and the Governor’s office resulted in a significant rate increase for ABA providers in the approved 2025 Michigan Budget! This committee is grateful for the leadership of Melissa McKinley, MiBAP Board, and the advocacy of the entire MiBAP membership. This hard fought win has yet to be realized in our contracts and in our service payments. Realizing this rate increase for membership remains our primary goal for 2025.

Additional Goals for 2025 are:
1. ABA in schools
2. Develop a comprehensive list of administrative/clinical/Parity issues to resolve  with MDHHS and the CMHSPs/PIHPs

Education Committee Update

The Education Committee has been busy planning webinars for 2025! The next webinar is scheduled for January 29, 2025. You can learn more and register below. If you are interested in joining this committee or have webinar topic ideas, please email

Quality Committee Update

2024 was perhaps the Quality Committee’s most productive year in terms of output. Highlights included further development of outcomes assessment and collaboration, providing a “Where to Start with Developing a Quality Program” panel discussion at the Michigan Autism Conference, and establishing relationships with other quality-oriented organizations nationally (National Autism Service Quality Network, the National Autism Data Registry, out of state provider organizations and more). Through the reach of the MiBAP Quality Committee, statewide contacts have been made from various stakeholders (parents, provider orgs, and payers).

Goals for 2025:

  1. Establish a “quick guide” for establishing quality programs for Michigan-based ABA provider orgs
  2. Expand reach of quality conversations to stakeholders other than provider orgs (CMHs, private insurance)
  3. Establish and discuss standards for quality supervision within the comprehensive and focused treatment models

Membership Committee Update

Don’t forget about the members-only section of the website! You can view resources, past webinars, announcements, etc.! The login is in the upper right hand corner of the website. The password is MIBAP2025!

Purchase your favorite gear/logo wear at the MIBAP online store! Learn more here!

The goals for 2025 include hosting a booth at least two conferences for ABA professionals in the State of Michigan, develop an onboarding orientation for new agencies or individual members, coordinate outreach to providers who are unengaged to facilitate more active engagement.

Refer an organizational membership to MIBAP and receive a gift from the MIBAP store!
-Refer ONE member organization (and they sign up), you get a MiBAP hat and t-shirt!
-Refer TWO member organizations (and they sign up), you get a MIBAP computer bag!
-Refer THREE or more member organizations (and they sign up), you get your choice of MIBAP gear up to $100

Thank you for your support and dedication in helping us grow MiBAP to a bigger and better organization!


Reminder: MIBAP All-Member Meetings



Legislative Log

Please click here to read the legislative log.